Our paper is accepted to Medical Physics Journal!
I am happy for Sumedha! Her first journal is accepted to Medical Physics!
One paper is accepted to AAAI 2021!
Congratulations to Li Sun and Ke Yu for their joint paper in AAAI 2021! Their paper show how to incorporate anatomically relevant context to self-supervised learning!
Ke’s journal is accepted to ACM JCIM!
Congratulations to Ke Yu! His paper is accepted to the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. The method integrates drug taxonomy with chemical structure and enables localizing novel molecules in the context of the clinically approved drugs.
Brian and Stephen won an award for the liver project!
Congratulations to Brian! His collaborative work with Stephen Cai and Amir Borhani on estimating liver stiffness using a machine learning method received Cum Laude Award from the 43rd Society of Body Imaging Conference.
Our paper is accepted to the Oxford Bioinformatics Journal!
Congratulations to Mingming Gong! His awesome paper (Preprint) is accepted to the Oxford Bioinformatics Journal! Fundamental and rigorous research for inference of statical independence which uses unpaired data!
Giving talk at the Oxford ML Summer School!
I am excited to present at the Oxford ML Summer School (OxML 2020)! I will talk about various applications and challenges of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging!
Engineering/Management Position for Brain Monitoring Software During Surgery
We are developing a clinical tool based on deep learning to automatically detect stroke during surgery and alert the surgical team to avert complications and save lives. We are uniquely positioned at the intersection of the largest health care system
Data Analyst in Machine Learning and Healthcare
We are seeking a full-time staff Data Analyst to perform statistical programming and analyses of medical image data related to a broad scope of investigational research in brain and lung imaging. The data analysis joins a young and vibrant group of
Graduate Student
I am always looking for genuinely motivated students for my lab in medical vision, machine learning, and statistics. If you are sending me an email, please make sure you include all of the following allĀ four items, (1) CV (2) Bachelor Transcript (3)
Explanation by Progressive Exaggeration
S. Singla, B. Pollack, J. Chen, K. Batmanghelich Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)