Our collaborative project with Dr. Eslami and Dr. Poynton has received a Google Academic Research Award!
RSNA Radiology AI journal accepted our paper about disease change identification using an anatomically informed approach. Congrats to Ke and the rest of the team!
Our collaborative project with Dr. Clare Poynton to develop a Vision Language model to audit risk models for breast cancer has received Hariri Focused Research awards!
Congratulation to Max Reynolds for his first journal in NeuroImage Clinical Journal! The paper revisits the COMBAT method from a fully Bayesian point of view.
We use DL techniques to define new COPD axes using CT imaging and gene expression data. Congratulation to Junxiang for his paper in the COPD Journal! The pre-print is here!
Congratulations to Shantanu and Ke! Their first paper is accepted to ICML 2023. Find the paper, code, and more on the project page.
Congrats to Sumedha and Nihal for their paper in WACV! They showed how our previous work on Counterfactual Explainer could be used to fix an overconfident BlackBox classifier!
Happy for Yingci! Her manuscript has been accepted to Oral Oncology!
Congratulation to Sumedha and her team! Her manuscript on counterfactual model explanation paper is finally accepted for a special issue in MedIA about XAI! The very initial pre-print is here; the full version is coming out soon! I am thankful to Motahare for her amazing contribution to the paper.
Two papers are accepted in MICCAI 2022! Congrats to Ke Yu, Yanwu Xu, and Shantanu Ghosh!
Congratulations to Yanwu for his CVPR paper! His method uses the Maximal Spatial Perturbation idea that significantly enhances image-to-image translation!
Congratulations to Ardavan, Li! Their paper is accepted to AAAI 21! The link and code will be posted soon.
Our collaborative work with Suvrit’s group about shortcuts in Self-supervised Learning is accepted to NeurIPS! Congratulations to Joshua, Li, and Ke!
Congratulations to Brian! His paper about estimating liver elastography is accepted to the Radiology AI journal!
Congrats to Ardavan and Sumedha! Their paper is accepted to the Machine Learning in Healthcare, MLHC 2021!
I’m very honored to give Senior Vice Chancellor’s Research Seminar today. I’ll present research done by brilliant students and postdocs at BatmanLab!
I am excited for Rohit Jena! His paper received Early Acceptance in MICCAI 2021! Pre-print is here!
I am happy for Sumedha! Her first journal is accepted to Medical Physics!
Congratulations to Ke Yu! His paper is accepted to the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. The method integrates drug taxonomy with chemical structure and enables localizing novel molecules in the context of the clinically approved drugs.
Congratulations to Brian! His collaborative work with Stephen Cai and Amir Borhani on estimating liver stiffness using a machine learning method received Cum Laude Award from the 43rd Society of Body Imaging Conference.
Congratulations to Mingming Gong! His awesome paper (Preprint) is accepted to the Oxford Bioinformatics Journal! Fundamental and rigorous research for inference of statical independence which uses unpaired data!
I am excited to present at the Oxford ML Summer School (OxML 2020)! I will talk about various applications and challenges of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging!
Our paper (Label-Noise Robust Domain Adaptation) is accepted to ICML 2020! Congrats to Xiyu Yu and the team!
Excited to give a talk in DeepMind about Real-World Applications of Explainable Models in Medical Imaging!
Our paper (Explanation by Progressive Exaggeration) is accepted as a Spotlight paper to ICLR 2020! Congrats to Sumedha!
Two papers (#1, #2) are accepted to AAAI 2020! Big congrats to Junxiang Chen, Yanwu Xu, and Mingming Gong!
Excited to give a talk about our recent NeurIPS paper at SAP Research Retreat!
Our manuscript is accepted to NeurIPS 2019 (Spotlight 2.4%)! Big congrats to Mingming and Yanwu! The code is in this repo.
First BatmanLab alumni! Congratulation to Mingming for accepting a new position as a lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne!
Our collaborative proposal with Suvrit Sra (MIT) received $600K from the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences!
Mingming‘s team won the single image depth prediction competition in Robust Vision Challenge 2018!
We are awarded a large R01 ($2.8M with indirect) to develop an approach to integrate Radiomic data with Genetic for characterization of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
We are awarded $390K to develop methods for multimodal learning in collaboration with SAP research.
Congratulations to Mingming Gong–two CVPR papers have been accepted!
Congrats to Yashin! A coalition of the BatmanLab (ourLab) and MedGIFT won the tuberculosis Multi-drug resistance competition.