Probabilistic Modeling of Imaging, Genetics and the Diagnosis
K.N. Batmanghelich, A. Dalca, G. Quon, M. Sabuncu, P. Golland IEEE Trans Med Imaging
Subject2Vec: Generative-Discriminative Approach from a Set of Image Patches to a Vector
S. Singla, M. Gong, S. Ravanbakhsh, F. Sciurba, B. Poczos, K. Batmanghelich Medical Image Computing & Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
One paper is accepted to ICLR as a spotlight!
Our paper (Explanation by Progressive Exaggeration) is accepted as a Spotlight paper to ICLR 2020! Congrats to Sumedha!
Two papers are accepted to the AAAI!
Two papers (#1, #2) are accepted to AAAI 2020! Big congrats to Junxiang Chen, Yanwu Xu, and Mingming Gong!
Giving a talk at SAP Machine Learning Retreat!
Excited to give a talk about our recent NeurIPS paper at SAP Research Retreat!
Our paper is accepted to NeurIPs as a spotlight paper!
Our manuscript is accepted to NeurIPS 2019 (Spotlight 2.4%)! Big congrats to Mingming and Yanwu! The code is in this repo.
Mingming will be Lecturer at Stat Department in Melbourne University!
First BatmanLab alumni! Congratulation to Mingming for accepting a new position as a lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne!
Our collaborative proposal with Suvrit Sra (MIT) received $600K from the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences!
Mingming's team won the single image depth prediction competition in Robust Vision Challenge 2018!
We are awarded a large R01 ($2.8M with indirect) to develop an approach to integrate Radiomic data with Genetic for characterization of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).